Friday, April 26, 2019

Feudalism and the Manorial System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Feudalism and the Manorial System - move ExampleManorial governing body was social and economic system in chivalric Europe. The system regulate peasant land tenure and production, administered taxation and local justice. There is a close relationship amongst the manorial system and feudalism. In both cases, regulation of land tenure featured as a major factor that influenced production of the nation. The difference of the systems is the political and military aspect. In medieval Europe, feudalism and manorial system defined the structure of governance. In the feudal system, the baron leased land to his immediate juniors in the monarchial hierarchy. The faggot gave them vast stretches of land. The people receiving land from the king were vassals. They managed the land under their control. The system was a turn of exchange of services. In return, the king gained loyalty and war troops from the vassals. The vassals had a responsibility of working as knights. This included serving in castles and undertaking training for forty days. When the king waged war, the vassals were to fight for the king with every(prenominal) loyalty. Other returns to the king from the vassals were financial support and hosting of the kings entourage during tours. When feudalism arose in Europe, it knobbed the exchange of weapons and other items. When Europe entered the agrarian period, then land was included in the feudal system. The barons yet divided their land and leased it under the same conditions. Feudalism involving land formed the manorial system. Landowners hired peasants to work in the farms. The peasants earned a source of living from this. Other peasants practiced different forms of finesse on the small p the great unwasheds of land and paid taxes in return to the landowner. The manorial system led to the governing body of a noble class. Landowners formed the noble class while peasants were commoners. The difference in social perspective explains how each of the g roups lived. The rich landowners treated the peasants as slaves. The life of the peasants depended on the landowners. In the hierarchy, the landowners had a responsibility of providing the king with war troops. The taxation and local justice system depended on each baron. Some of the barons overtaxed the peasants working on the fiefs (Spielvogel 358). Feudalism and the manorial system were distinct systems. However, sometimes barons gained land ownership through feudal grants. The highest order, the king leased land to the barons. Marriage and inheritance are the other pathways through which barons received land. The manorial system served to sustain the medieval Europe economically. Manors had the potential to produce enough for consumption and the surplus directed to the market. The medieval European society consisted of manorial villages. There was exchange of goods between the villages. Contribution of the Christian Faith in Renaissance Though perceived differently, the Renaissa nce in a general sense may be looked upon as the achievement of present spirit in opposition the spirit and faith that existed during the middle age. In the progression of western civilization, there was a period defined by disease, death, and waging war. During this period, there were little advances make in technology. People were less interested in literary works. However, the era that followed was different. People had a lot of interest in literary works, philosophy, and understanding of nature. The power of man

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